Pochettino fumes at Palmer: Whole story

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Stamford bridge, Arsenal equalise against Chelsea. Cole palmer throws away a bottle unintentionally in frustration towards the dugout. The bottle hits his boss. Pochettino fumes at Palmer. This entire incident was more than enough to get the media attention. Palmer put a wonderful performance against Arsenal. But they equalised in the 84th minute and silenced the home fans. This equaliser indirectly lead to the incident between the player and the coach. People have started being skeptical about the relationship between the two.

However, the coach is of a different point of view regarding this incident-

“it was unexpected. i was very angry at that moment(laughs)” – Said Pochettino in a press conference on friday ahead of the blues clash against Brentford.

Moreover, the coach has made it clear that the player was sorry when he realised that the bottle hit his coach. The Argentine feels good about the fact that the bottle did not caused any damage to him. In the meanwhile, Pochettino has also joked that Palmer will be dropped for the next game.

Pochettino fumes at Palmer: Player’s testimony.

The blues forward has made it clear that it was a mere accident and that it has no effect in his relation with the coach. Palmer further explained that all that happened was due to the late equaliser that Arsenal scored and he was furious about it while getting a drink. He did not even looked where the bottle went after he throwed it away towards his dugout. He felt sorry the very moment he realised that what had happened.

According to metro, player said the following in front of the media-

“I apologized to the coach properly after the match. i hope he is not going to drop me for the next match. We have a healthy relationship. I work hard and he has faith in me.” – said Palmer.

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