Fact Checking Policy

At Football Express, we are dedicated to providing our readers with accurate, credible, and reliable football news. Our commitment to journalistic integrity requires thorough fact-checking procedures to ensure the accuracy of the information we publish. This fact-checking policy outlines the principles and practices we adhere to in verifying the authenticity of our content.


Multiple Source Verification: We cross-reference information from multiple credible sources to verify its accuracy and reliability.

Primary Sources: Whenever possible, we seek information from primary sources such as official statements, press releases, direct interviews, and authoritative records.

Transparency of Sources: We identify and attribute our sources of information, providing context about their credibility and relevance. When necessary, we protect the anonymity of sources while rigorously assessing their reliability.


Editorial Review: All content undergoes thorough review by our editorial team before publication. Facts, quotes, statistics, and claims are meticulously checked for accuracy and context.

Expert Consultation: For complex or technical subjects, we consult subject matter experts to verify information and ensure its accuracy.

Direct Confirmation: We make efforts to directly confirm details with relevant individuals, organizations, or entities involved in the news story.


Official Records and Documents: We rely on official records, documents, and databases for information requiring authoritative verification.

Trusted News Outlets: Information from reputable news organizations and established publications is used with caution, and we verify the accuracy of the information independently.


Timely Corrections: If errors are identified in our content post-publication, we promptly correct them and transparently acknowledge the corrections to our readers.

Updated Reporting: When new information emerges that alters the context or understanding of a story, we update our articles accordingly, clearly indicating any revisions made.


Source Attribution: We clearly attribute information to its sources, providing citations, links, or references where applicable, enabling readers to independently verify the information.

Disclosure of Unverified Information: When reporting on rumors, speculations, or unverified claims, we clearly label them as such and provide context about their reliability.


Avoidance of Sensationalism: We refrain from publishing sensationalized or misleading headlines that do not accurately represent the content of the article.

Objectivity and Balance: We strive to present balanced coverage, incorporating multiple viewpoints and avoiding bias in our reporting.


Ongoing Training: Our team undergoes regular training sessions focused on fact-checking methodologies, journalistic ethics, and industry best practices.

Feedback Mechanism: We encourage our readers to report any inaccuracies they encounter. Feedback is carefully reviewed, and necessary corrective actions are taken to address valid concerns.

For inquiries or to report a potential error, please contact us at contact@synovatic.in

This policy is subject to periodic review and updates to ensure alignment with evolving journalistic standards and practices.

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