United legend praise Liverpool and Arsenal after facing defeat at derby

Arsenal Team

United legend Gary Neville disappointed again after the recent trash against Manchester City 0-3 at Old Trafford.

Nothing new but the duration of this negativity and toxicity is increasing day by day. After a successful run with United, Eric Ten Hag has been considered as savior but he failed to full fill.

Currently United stand 8th on the table with five win and five loss labeled they will surely miss Champions League. Emerging they don’t will confirm any European Tournament.

But on the other hand, Manchester United right back admire both Liverpool and Arsenal for their success run yet of this season.

Gary Neville on defeat against Manchester City

Gary used some harsh words to expressed his inner after faced a shameful lost at derby. He said:

“I know this won’t be fixed whilst this is in place, We have had ten years now of this and it isn’t going away. It’s repeat. Rinse, repeat, rinse and repeat.

“We are now getting to a point whereby every manager that comes to Manchester United, start to think they are the problem at a certain point and start to think that the players that are being bought for £50, 60 and 70 million, even though other clubs want them on the way in and they choose Manchester United or Manchester United offer them a better deal, it ends up being a graveyard for them here.

Neville added:

“There is a cultural thread of negativity and toxicity that runs right through this club that isn’t going away – Manchester City, Liverpool, Arsenal, Tottenham, Villa and Brighton. They are all pretty well run now. They are well-run clubs from top to bottom. Manchester United aren’t a well-run football club. And the owners are the problem.”

Throughout his designation, he tried to convey that United isn’t even a ‘well run football club‘.

Liverpool, Arsenal, are culturally rich now

Neville not just only blame United but also praise the aspects of Arsenal and Liverpool.

According to him, how many times Liverpool fans have eye to eye with FSG (Liverpool owners)? But Klopp is doing well although he won countless trophies and dominating the merseyside.

Even a period ago Arsenal fans were protesting against Stan Kroenke, yet fast forward to the present and things weren’t going better inside the Emirates Stadium.

But after a while, now Liverpool, Bridgton, Arsenal all culturally rich than United and well run clubs.

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