Best Tips To Play Like A Pro In Vanguard


Vanguard is a new Call of Duty title with three gameplays – Campaign, Zombies, and Multiplayer. The storyline features the formation of the special agents facing threats in various sites of World War II. During the journey, the agents face enemies in a death match or zombies. 

Depending on the game mode, these special agents will fight solo or as a team, thus pushing them to unleash their skills and professionalism. This can make Vanguard seem overwhelming, but don’t fret. We’ve got some of the best tips to win like a Pro in Vanguard. Meanwhile, check out our best COD Vanguard hacks for tools to win easily in any Vanguard game mode.

Meanwhile, read on to find out how pros play. 

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Best Tips to Play like a Pro in Vanguard

1. Stay in range with your team.

One of the tips to play like a pro in Vanguard is to stick together with your members. Whether in multiplayer mode or with zombies, staying in range will give you more opportunities to live longer, get high kills, and win the match. 

For instance, if your team attacks a single enemy together, he cannot survive. Apart from getting quick kills, it’ll also help you save some of your power-ups. You won’t have to drop so many grenades. 

2. Take range-friendly weapons

All of the guns in Vanguard have their elite spot of excellence when taking shots. For instance, assault rifles and SMGs are ideal for long-range shots, and you can get a kill when you shoot from any range. 

Instead of picking your guns randomly, pick range-friendly guns. Take any gun that can give you the best aiming and shooting experience. If you’re unsure which one to choose, try as many guns as possible. You’ll find a match for your play style.

3. Read the full details of that gun. 

 When you kill an enemy in Vanguard, you can pick up his gun, ammo, or any other valuable item on him. So, when picking, especially guns, always read the full details. Hovering over the gun will show you some basic info like firepower, accuracy, speed, ammo, etc. However, you need to view the complete detail to learn if the gun’s recoil reduces horizontally or vertically. You’ll also know if the ammo boosts will increase your reload speed, and so on. If you can make this a habit, you’ll enjoy pro-like gameplay.

4. Take cover until you fully heal.

Even if you have the most planned-out loadout in Vanguard, you could still lose the game if you’re reckless. When pro players get hit, they retreat until their health refills. If you want to play like a pro, then you need to apply this tip. Don’t mistake recklessness for confidence. 

Don’t engage in fierce gunfights until your complete healing, no matter the temptation to push forward. If you heal and start a fight fresh, your chances of living through the game will increase. 

5. Look out for enemy killstreaks

The enemy players in COD Vanguard can initiate some killstreaks to gain more advantage over your team. To prevent this from happening, you and your teammates must look out for enemy killstreaks. Your eyes should be in front, behind, right, left, and up all at the same time. 

You don’t want an enemy spy plane to launch an unavoidable attack on your team. Moreover, your DP27 loadout may not even stand the enemy’s M1 Bazooka. So, to be on the safe side, deal with the enemy killstreaks once you sight it 

6. Spend more time in the zombie mode

Playing more frequently in the zombie mode helps you learn the map’s layout and environment and prepares you for other maps. Technically, you can use the zombie mode as your practice mode. From exploring weapons to perfecting your skills, spending time with the zombies will prepare you for the main quests.

As you’ll be fragging out most zombies in close quarters, you can consider a shotgun or an SMG. Furthermore, for buildings, hallways, and long-range fights, you can jump in with an Assault Rifle. In cases where you’ll need to attack from tall buildings and open fields, think about sniper rifles and marksmen.


Vanguard can be fun to play and frightening at the same time, thanks to the ruthless zombies attacking from all angles. Since the game supports different playstyles, many players seek to make the most of their expertise, investing in practice, game-knowledge acquisition, etc. On the other hand, some are craving improvements in their gameplay. 

Whichever group you fall under, these tips will get you playing like a pro in Vanguard. Stay in range with your team, take range-friendly weapons, learn more about a gun before you pick it, and look out for enemy killstreaks. 

More importantly, spend more time in zombie mode. It’ll help unlock your potential and expertise.

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