Health benefits of Football for Women

Alex Morgan

Football is often seen as a sport for men, but did you know that women can also reap some serious health benefits from playing football? Football is an incredibly intense and physical sport, and it comes with a whole host of health benefits. 

Women who play football regularly have lower rates of heart disease, obesity, and cancer than those who do not play football. So if you are looking for a way to improve your health, consider picking up a football and trying it. 

This blog post will discuss some of the major health benefits of playing football for women.

1. Increased Muscle Mass

We all know that playing football requires a lot of running, which helps tone our leg muscles. However, did you know that football can also help to build up the muscles in our upper bodies? 

This is because when we run, we use our arms to swing and generate power, which helps to tone our biceps and triceps. In addition, the kicking motion also helps to work our abdominal muscles. As a result, playing football can help to give us a more toned and defined physique.

2. Increase Bone Mineral Density

Football can help increase bone mineral density in women, which is especially beneficial for those at risk for osteoporosis. A study published found that postmenopausal women who participated in a 12-week football program had increased bone mineral density in their lumbar spine and hip. 

Another study published found that premenopausal women who participated in a football program for one year had increased bone mineral density in their lumbar spine, hip, and whole body.

Football is a weight-bearing exercise necessary to increase bone mineral density. Weight-bearing exercises force you to work against gravity, and they can be either high-impact or low-impact. High-impact exercises, such as running, jumping, and playing football, can help build bone mass more quickly than low-impact exercises, such as walking and using an elliptical machine.

3. Better Academic Performance

Studies have shown that playing football can lead to better academic performance, especially for women. This is likely because football requires quick thinking and decision-making, which can transfer to the classroom. 

In addition, football requires teamwork and discipline, both of which are important to academic success. Playing football may be an excellent option for women looking to improve their academic performance.

4. Lower Body Fat

One of the health benefits of football for women is that it can help to lower body fat. This is because football requires a lot of running and jumping, which can help to burn calories and tone muscles. In addition, football can also help to improve your cardiovascular health.

So if you want to lower your body fat and improve your overall health, then playing football may be a good option — just make sure to warm up properly and cool down after your game to avoid injuries.

5. Refined Teamwork

In football, players must work together as a team to be successful. This teamwork can help women develop refined communication and social skills. By working together on the field, women can learn to communicate better with their teammates and develop relationships that last beyond the playing field. These skills can be beneficial in both personal and professional settings.

In addition to developing communication and social skills, football can help women refine their teamwork skills. Working together requires players to trust and rely on each other. This can help women learn to work together more effectively in personal and professional settings.

6. Improved Coordination

Playing football can help improve your coordination because you need to coordinate your movements with the ball and your teammates. You also need to have the good hand-eye coordination to control the ball.

Improved coordination can help you in other sports and activities, as well as in your everyday life. For example, with better coordination, you can catch a ball more easily or type on a keyboard more accurately.

The benefits of improved coordination also extend to your mental health. When you have better coordination, your brain is better able to process information and make decisions. This can help you in school, work, and your personal life.

7. Improved Mental Health

Football has been shown to improve mental health in many ways — for one, it can help reduce stress and anxiety levels. It can also improve self-esteem and confidence and provide a sense of belonging and social support. 

In addition, football can help sharpen cognitive skills like planning, problem-solving, and decision-making. All these benefits are significant for women, who are more likely than men to experience mental health problems like depression and anxiety.

8. Better Cognitive Brain Function

A recent study has shown that playing football can help improve cognitive brain function in women. This is because football requires quick thinking and decision-making, which can help to improve brain function.

So if you’re looking for a way to boost your brain power, playing football could be the answer. And it’s not just good for your brain; playing football also has many other health benefits, which we’ve explored in this article.


So there you have it, some of the health benefits of football for women. UAE t20 league is a great way to get active and improve your health, and it doesn’t have to be a man’s game, so give it a try.  Parimatch is an established international brand with a 28-year history, with guarantees a fast and convenient payout — check them out.

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